Active Listening

Active listening is the key to effective communication as it requires a real two-way exchange of information between two or more people.


Assertiveness and self-confidence are fundamental personal and interpersonal skills.

Effective Presentation Skills

Develop and enhance your public speaking style and turn even the driest, most mundane information into a dynamic, compelling presentation.

Renewing Teams

This is a team development process similar to team coaching that renews leadership teams that stay together for long periods of time.

High Ropes Team Building

The High Ropes course provides a perfect vehicle for coaching and for pro-actively asking for assistance and support.

Resolving Conflicts

Proactive communication is the key to resolving and preventing conflict. In a diverse work force, the ability to resolve conflict in a timely and effective manner can prevent escalation and increase productivity.

Cross-Cultural Awareness

Global competency, the ability to navigate cross-cultural differences in order to communicate effectively, is a key determinant of international business success.

Visioning Workshop

Visioning is critical for advancing the mission and objectives of an organization. This illuminating workshop provides an introduction to creating powerful vision.

Clarifying Roles

Clearly defining team members’ roles and responsibilities is a crucial step that is often overlooked when a team is formed.